/subvencion_fotovoltaica.jsf patronId=empresa_subvencion_fotovoltaica|lng=en - Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 - host:www.mobellinea.com - query original:/en/Company/Subvencion-fotovoltaica

empresa subvencion fotovoltaica

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Project details
Autoconsumo empresa
Photovoltaic modules
1.696 módulos de 495Wp
6 x 100kWn + 3 x 36kWn
Annual generation
Self-consumed energy
Environmental benefits
613.35 tons of Co2 are no longer produced annually
Equivalent to removing 250 vehicles from circulation each year
Equivalent to planting 838 trees annually
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The project in question has been accepted within the incentive program aimed at self-consumption and renewable energy storage, as well as the introduction of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector. This initiative is part of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.

Beneficiary name: MOBEL LINEA, SL

Total investment (€): €426,000.00

Grant amount (€): €106,500.00

Power (kW): 708 kW

Storage capacity (kWh):

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